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Updated - 06.9.23

 School Clubs 

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Breakfast Club

We have a thriving Breakfast Club at Wheatley Hill Primary School and it is very affordable costing from £1 per day. Children should consider attending our Breakfast club:

• We are open every day, from 7:30am to 8.50am.

• We are open to all ages, from Two Year Old Provision to Year 6.

• Children receive a healthy choice of breakfast.

• It is proven to improve attendance and punctuality.

• It is proven to increase your child’s learning by giving them a healthy start to the day.


Breakfast Club is situated in our Dining Hall.

Children may be dropped off at 7:30am (£2) or 8:00am (£1). For breakfast, children can choose from a selection of healthy cereals, fruit, yoghurts and there is always a hot breakfast item. 


Once the children have eaten, the children stay in the dining hall, where toys, books and games are provided for them. Halls are supervised by the Breakfast Club staff as well as Early Years staff for the younger children. For Nursery & Two Year Old Provision breakfast club, charges vary due to staff ratios therefore speak to your Family Group Educator for details.

Our Breakfast Club is extremely popular but we always have room for more, so hopefully we will see your child there soon.

Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club
Teatime Club

Tea Time club at Wheatley hill is a very enjoyable place to be and our children love going for all different reasons.

All our children can attend teatime, from 2 year olds to Y6. Prices vary due to the age of the child and how long they are staying.

  • Nursery + F2 till 4pm = £2.00, Y1-Y6 = £1.00

  • Nursery + F2 till 5pm = £5.00, Y1-Y6 = £4.00

A full price list is available at the school office.

Our children are all pre-booked and many attend at different times on different nights, which is fine, simply complete a booking form via ParentPay.


Our children attend teatime club when school ends at 3:15pm, they all meet in the hall, where they have a selection of snacks – homemade burgers, fish fingers, sandwiches, pasta, fruit and yoghurts, they are all just an example of what is available.

At 3.30pm the children choose where they want to go, either outside for sports activities or remain in the hall, where they can read, dress up, play with cars, trains and tracks, lego, games or complete arts and crafts activities.

We have 4 members of staff and they all interact with the children during teatime and make sure this is a quality time for our children.

From recent feedback, our children have commented how they love teatime club and parents have commented how their children do not want to go home, which confirms how special our teatime club is.

If you need any more information please speak to the School Office.

Football Club

Our Wheatley Hill Football Academy has recently began in school and we currently have an A & B teams of pupils. All children, who attend the football academy, must not only work hard for their teams they must also demonstrate excellent behaviour and attitudes towards learning in school.

We have matches on Thursdays as well as training on afternoons in school.

We provide all strips, shin pads and training at no cost to our pupils. Children will need to bring their own football boots or trainers.

For more information then please speak to the School Office.

Share A Story

Share A Story is about inspiring and encouraging the love of books and reading for children of all ages and abilities.

“It’s great because now Riley wants to read since coming to Share A Story,” mam.

Each session includes sharing a story, doing an activity based on the story theme and having snack which also fits with the book. We usually end with a game – all in the space of 1 hour!

The sessions run Monday – Thursday, 3.15 to 4.15 and we do ask for a donation of £1 to help cover costs.

The group is extremely popular especially with the older boys! The spaces for each session fill up in the first week of sending out the letters. The children come for one night a week for 6 weeks then new letters are sent out.

“It’s the artwork that inspires you,” Mitchell

Share A Story
Share A Story
Share A Story
Share A Story
First Aid Club

Year 6 children have the opportunity to learn essential first aid skills.

It takes place at different points throughout the year and it is run by Mrs Booth, with guidance from St. John’s Ambulance.
During these sessions the children learn:

  • CPR

  • How to deal with an emergency

  • How to help someone who is choking

  • Coping with severe and minor bleeding including bandaging

  • Asthma and allergies

  • Minor cuts and bumps.

The children then apply these skills by assisting the adults on the yard when they are dealing with a first aid incident. They help to get the equipment needed to deal with the incident, under the guidance of the adult. The children are responsible for taking the first aid bag and ice packs to the adult on the yard.
These are valuable life skills that will continue to help them wherever they are.


We’d love to hear from you!

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Contact Details


Head Teacher - Mr Alan Scarr

Wheatley Hill Primary School, Wheatley Hill, Durham, DH63RQ

Tel - 01429 820594


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If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please contact the school office.

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