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Making Our School Better

We (Year 6) spent time discussing the changes in school over the last year and thinking about the things that we really like in school.

New Classroom

When we came back in September, we saw that the teachers had worked really hard over the summer to design and prepare our new classrooms. We now have more computers and we got to design our own classroom trays. We have lots of displays in our classroom to help us make the right choices and to help us to learn. At the start of a new topic, we have a "wow" day. This may be a trip or a visitor to help us to get excited about our new topic.

Jake & Riley


We have lots of great things going on in our PE lessons. Coaches come into school and teach us lots of different activities like:

* Staying Health (FISCH)

* Netball




We have loved all of these different activities with lots of different coaches. We also get the chance to go to sports festivals where we get to play and compete with other schools.

Darcy & Elysha

Breakfast Club & Teatime Club

In breakfast club, we get to have lots of different things for breakfast and we get to meet our friends before school. Teatime club has changed a lot because we now have a different activities each night. We do have a different activities like: cookery, party night, computing nights and a craft night. We also have a tasty tea that Debbie makes us - it is lovely.

Aimee & Joseph


Over the last year, the nursery has had a lot of changes. The Year 1 class move rooms to their new classroom and it was redecorated and had all new resources. Walls were knocked down to create more space so that children can work in smaller groups. There are lots more fun and interesting toys for the children, which develops their learning. They have outdoor learning to develop their skills and make them want to explore.

Chloe & Niamh

Pooley Bridge

We had a change to our school trips this last year. We had the chance to go camping at Pooley Bridge. Year 5 & 6 slept in tents for a week. We did awesome things like gorge walking, football and cliff jumping. However, we had to wash our own dishes, which was so annoying!

Year 5 & 6 have also been given the chance to go skiing in France this year.

Tiesha & Lennon

Forest School

In Forest School, we get to learn about surviving in the forest. We learn all about lots of different outdoor things like:

*We learn how to start a fire safely.

*How to build a shelter.

*We have created a mud slide.

*We use tools safely to make things.

*We cook food and make hot chocolate.

We also work with Jack and Sarah, who help us during Forest School.



The yard has changed over the last year because we now have a green area to play on. We can play in the large wigwam and use the bricks to build with. All children can play in this area. We have a new shed that we keep the toys in to keep them safe and protected overnight.

We are hoping to have new equipment soon like footballs, goalposts, large games and skips in the future.

Simon & Jaydon

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